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good job keep on the good work. :)

This looks like so much fun, but 0.99 does not start at all on my mac. I get "“” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin." Any ideas?7


I wrote a devlog about running MM under macOS. You should find the answers you need. Otherwise, please don't hesitate to contact me on Discord, I'll try to help you.

The error also used to happen in "Pixelorama". but it's now solved there (see

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This will be solved in 1.0, Material Maker will be signed and notarized. Please don't hesitate to join us on discord if you wish to test it before release (there's a dedicated channel).


thats amazing! If I could pay I totally would! thanks for making this!

It worked fine for me on Mac, I downloaded the DMG using the Itch app and installed it just fine. Great alternative to substance designer, will definitely use this, thanks again!

pretty cool, only thing I could suggest or would be nice is `brew install material-maker`

I unfortunately don't have a Mac (yet?), so everything macOS related is pretty difficult for now.

ahh, that's too bad.  I just tried to install and running into the damaged error.  I attempted to do what you recommended but it still won't work for me.  I'm on Mac OS Big Sur Intel Processor.  Looks like a great application though.  Let me know if you find another workaround.

Hmm did you try what's explained in the macOS related devlog? What happens when you do?
Please don't hesitate to contact me on Discord so I can try top help you. ;)

Ya I tried that command and pasting the application, same thing.  Saying it's corrupted and I should eject.  Even turned off Gate Keeper to see if that would help.  No luck.  Hopefully you get a working Mac version soon.  Let me know if you do.


Lovely tool, thank you!

Feature Request:

Please add the ability to disable texture filtering in the 3D Preview - useful for creating pixel art textures :)



super cool tool and definitely a great alternative to substance designer!!

Sadly it doesn't support 32 bit system for Windows.

Please read the Troubleshooting section above. 😉

Thanks I didn't read/saw it, but if it's that simple, then why don't you just do that and provide a 32 bit download?

I could have understood it, if you would only provide 1 download option and tell us how we could easily change the version to our need, but providing multiple versions and for your own comfort, not doing what you tell us to do, if we want/need a 32 bit version, is in my opinion lazy.

You just got yourself a DudesLazy Badge for being lazy, which you can obtain once I have anything published that contains Badges. 😉

Providing a 32 bits version would mean I'd have to test it and I don't have a 32 bits Windows to do so.

but if the 64 bit version works, why should the 32 bit version not work

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Are you suggesting I should provide untested software ? 😉

Good program... but it is crashing often for no reason other than I edit some nodes that are not even that heavy...

Beware, MM creates combined shaders when connecting nodes, so combining 3 or 4 non non-heavy nodes can generate a heavy shader (and unfortunately, it's not possible to catch those problems gracefully).
I'm planning features to analyze, predict and fix performance problems, but I'm not sure they will be available this year.

Anyway, if you can provide step by step scenarios that lead crashes, please don't hesitate to contact me on Discord.

Okay by the way, you can find this name and tag = > Sekaus#1504

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Is there a way to expose specific values and sliders like in Filter Forge for ease of use?

Or, is that on the to-do list?

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Do you want to gather the main parameters of your graph into a specific location?
Remote node!

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Instructions for mac to unlock

  1. Drag the App to Applications ( Important for Terminal Step )
  2. in Terminal use the command below

xattr -d /Applications/

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I couldn't get a 32 bit windows version of MM??...

Hi! I just added a solution for you in the "troubleshooting" section of the project description



It doesnt work for mac, i waste my money

Hi, could you please describe what happens when you try to start Material Maker so I can try to provide a fix? Please don't hesitate to join the discord server so we can chat and find a solution.
Thanks a lot in advance.


I open  the dmg file, I copied the material_maker app to my hard drive,  I open the file and it says    “material_maker” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the trash.  

I have never had a message like this.

What should I do

Thanks for this information. I will investigate this issue later today and come back to you when I have a solution.

Did you try what's described in that devlog when installing? I'm not sure it is the fix for that problem, but it could help.

OK, just checked and it seems the xattr command in the devlog I mentioned in my previous message will work.
In case the xattr command fails because the mounted volume is read-only, you may want to duplicate the volume and use the copy.


Did my answer help you run Material Maker under MacOS?

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Detailed photoreal materials can be made with MM.

when I think prepare a tranlation.csv then i can do some setups ,but the fact is i only can input  local word and interface still English.....QAQ




ohhhh 0.96



material maker should be available for mac also


I cannot test a MacOS port. If Mac users help, this can happen.

how can we help?


Please join our discord server, and say hi in the #macos_port channel. I'll be able to spend time on this later today...


i have joined your discord and applied for mac port test

I really wanna use material maker in a mac.Please help


i say MM is powfull software ...yes!


em......why I open this site every day?

Dunno. A very bad addiction maybe... 😏 Please be patient, 0.96 needs a bit more work. And time.

ok maybe you can improve the operation .i think node socket is not easy to click and link......becase that point is too small...

That's because you unzoom the graph. If your graph is too big, you should start creating node groups.

I cannot really change that behaviour, it's provided by Godot (and the connect zone is already bigger than the default one).

BTW, we really have to find another place to communicate, this one is really not convenient. If you can suggest one...



The tool works well - but the addon side (from the steam godot) produces: 

Unable to load addon script from path: 'res://addons/material_maker/'. This might be due to a code error in that script.

Disabling the addon at 'res://addons/material_maker/plugin.cfg' to prevent further errors.

Just FYI. If you import manually instead it works fine. This tool is a big help when coming from something more like UE!


The addon part is obsolete, for now. It is possible to make it work, but has little value for now (export from standalone tool is smooth). I will probably make it work again in a few months.


I gave it a shot because it was mentioned in the docs - may I suggest just striking that line?

How do I use brushes? Every time I click the check box nothing happens

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Hmm did you try the predefined brushes in the brush panel? Clicking the checkboxes just enable the different channels of the brush, but you still have to create the brush graph.

Please don't hesitate to join us on Discord if you need help. It's much more convenient than this comment section.

Oh and did you Select a layer?

it seem that material maker can make music????

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That was a special release for April Fools in 2020. It worked, but I was not satisfied with the result, so those features are not in Material Maker anymore. I might give them another try once compute shaders are available in Godot 4. But maybe not in Material Maker.

when will 0.96 relaess?

Probably in a week or 2.



Is MacOS version available?


I have an experimental MacOS build, but cannot test it. Please don't hesitate to join our discord server if you are willing to help.


That’s an invite I totally follow, because I am also a Mac user.

drap many pictures(.png) may be have bug.....or just my wrong

their sizes aren't 2^n

really fun

will MM can set the font in next version?

because some word can't see in this version's default font.

May be we need more language support......i18n ....


Hmm there's a pull request on Github for internationalisation, but I'm not sure how we can get translations in a reliable way for a small open source project.

may be we can give a local file that translate by AI anduser can  change and share on the website then user  can correct the wrong and we can get the reliable one.........

waiting amzing node all the day <:

Uh? What are you talking about?

emmmm.....Do you have try to copy the debug node 's code into godot?it doesn't work.And when I try to fill  to uv ,but it have and egde...So....But i still think our software can beyond quixel mixer.

By default, Debug generates code for shadertoy. There are options for Godot, though...


Hmm does it mean you found how to generate shaders for Godot, or do you need more help?

How can i use the height map affect the model to make a displacement?

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In the 3D preview, select the Model -> Configure menu item and check the "tesselate" option. This only works with default models, not custom ones.


ohhhhh,it works.

how can i add my node into a difined or difined by user layer? like  noise ->  fbm to  my panel -> my node.  

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Maybe you want to join our Discord server for that kind of questions.

discord was be banned in my country    QAQ.........

i even want to get the model's normal and any other mesh data

Hmm reddit maybe?
Well, you can import any map using the Image node. Then just connect it to whatever you want. You may have to modify the normal map format using the SwapChannels node depending on how it was generated.

i just want my dirt can lay on the top on the model.........

if godot update to 4.0,Material Maker will be better?=w=


At least it will be possible to split the UI into multiple windows. I'm not sure yet what Vulkan will change. New features will probably be possible with compute shaders.
Porting to Godot 4.0 will also probably be a lot of work so it might take quite some time after Godot 4 is available.

ohhh,update date!


Hey RodZilla, we are interested in extending Material Maker capabilities as an open core effort in a particular direction and would like to know if you are available for contract developoment.

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Hi Baragon76! Can you contact me on Discord?


Sure.  User name?


Disord link

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For some reason that link didn't work (Discord says it has expired)...

My user name is RodZilla#5916 (you could easily find it by joining Material Maker's Discord server).

Hey! node operation is so hard,maybe you can copy what Blender had done.It can link and cut easily with its wrangle addon. And the linking line is not easy to focus on the node. The painting model is Primitive,maybe the material we mixed can be refered  as a layer. em.......where the mask ?


0.94 is the first release with painting, so yes it is primitive. Masks and procedural layers will be available in 0.95.

LOL  .I love this poweful software:)

I've been playing around with this for the last week or so and It really cool; its nice to have something procedural like this since I kinda stink at hand drawing. I did notice However that there doesnt seem to a license attached to the executable version, I saw one in the Github  but you may want to put one with the itchio build just for good measure


Hmm maybe you want to click on the "more information" link in the project description (just above the "Downloads" section). There has been a license since the beginning. ;)

Oh yeah I guess there's one there as well. I more meant in the actual zipped folder that you download. related question Do you have a preferred format for material maker to be credited, I ask because I usually do a credits screen for games I make.


Yes, maybe I should add a "License" section to the doc...
And no, I don't have a preferred format for credits. I'll update the logo in the repository soon (the new logo is already used on Discord/reddit).

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This is an amazing software and I'm having a blast making textures so I don't really wanna complain about this petty nuisance but maybe it's a bug:

Is the pixelize node working as intended? It ruins the result by making the borders and center half a pixel instead of whole, making the texture shift a pixel when exported, which I can't use (I need the texture to have the same border width)

I used an image to demonstrate the issue;


Thanks for reporting this!

You'll find a fixed version of the node here:

You can either copy the text from that address and paste it into Material Maker's graph view, or just copy/paste the address (Material Maker will download the fixed node unless your firewall prevents it).

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It works! Thank you! I'll save it to my user library. By the way, is there a way to upload nodes on I translated a setup from Substance to make endless textures with an atlas (and trying to make a shader in godot for them). I think I'll upload it as a material to demonstrate it but would be cool to have a section to browse custom nodes, especially ones that generate noise or patterns

Of course you can upload materials. The (bottom of the) first page of the site explains how.

And please don't hesitate to join us on Discord if you have more questions (link in the tool page here on

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Pretty cool tool, it's just a shame that when I try to launch it; sometimes it crashes my entire P/C (I have a pretty decent P/C)

Blue Screen Of Death.... Fun


I have no report of BSODs (those are generally caused by drivers or the operating system). It's possible Material Maker triggers a driver problem, and you may want to write down the BSOD information and search for them in Google in case it's a known issue.


An awesome piece of artwork you got here. and i was surprised how lesser-known Material Maker is.
P.S - Edited the wikipedia's Procedural Texture page.


I've recommended material Maker on

Great. Thanks!


very rough around the edges, and the ui leaves a lot to be desired, but it's extremely powerful, and a much more solid alternative to substance designer than, for example, texturelab


Please don't hesitate to describe the improvements you'd expect. The more feedback from users, the better Material Maker will become.

sure thing! i'd much prefer a drop down menu with right click on the workspace for adding nodes, then using the space that the node selection previously occupied on the top left for a 3d viewport, imo that'd speed up workflow and make it much more convenient

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though at the end of the day, it's better to have the option for the current layout in addition to the improvements me and other people have been asking for, it's always better to have more options rather than less

great work, btw! really like the program so far and where it's been going as well


In 0.92, space bar on the workspace shows a menu to create nodes. You can move all side panes around or hide them using the View->Panes menu.
If you want to test (and give feedback on) the upcoming 0.93 release, you may want to grab a development build there (just click the most recent action):


This application is without doubt, the BEST free alternative to Substance Designer. Still, there is a lot to do. I have been testing the software I would like to give a constructive feedback because it can be really huge one day.

Improve the camera control, there is no reason to rotate sideways the camera, it gets really confusing.

-Fix the bug on the graph panel that makes impossible to click in the rest of the interface after it happens

-The user interface is (no offense) ugly and the user feeling isn't good

-The zoom inside the graph isn't oriented to the cursor

-The sliding option over the values inside the nodes is a real mess

-It would be nice to incorporate some post processing effects and also a tessellates surface to test the materials.

-LAST thing (for now):  FOR GOD'S SAKE PRESENT THIS PROJECT FOR AN EPIC MEGA-GRANT!!!! YOU DESERVE IT!!  this is impressive although all the problems, got and take Epic's money. Keep it on, this project is on the right way.

Hi, and thanks for your feedback.

  • 3D view control is designed to be able to rotate the camera on all axes (right mouse button for roll axis, left mouse buttons for others) as well as the object (hold shift). Would you swap camera/object (rotate the object by default, hold shift for the camera)?
    Actually I'd change lots of stuff in that 3D view (make light sources more obvious and make it possible to create custom environments), but I don't want it to become too complicated.
  • Are you talking about that bug that makes it impossible to connect nodes ? It's been there for quite some time, but whenever I decide to go and hunt it, it just refuses to show. Whenever I know exactly what to do to repeat it, fixing it should be easy.
  • Could you elaborate on ugly interface? Is that just you don't like colors/fonts/widget shapes, or that you'd expect all nodes be squares with a preview and all parameters in a separate panel? ;)
  • I have to agree with the graph zoom one (I never use zoom unless I need it for a screenshot of a complex graph). Fixing this should be easy.
  • Hmm I didn't get much feedback about controls for float parameters, could you be more precise? I tried to make them somewhat behave like they do in Blender.
  • There are already tesselated meshes to test materials (last 2 meshes), and post-processing effects could be part of a 3D view redesign.
  • I already have a full time job. I started Material Maker (2 years ago) for fun with shaders, I'd say that user feedback and awesome materials they show on Reddit motivate me today.

Oh, and I have a question. There was a download spike yesterday and I failed to find out where it came from. Any idea? If there was an awesome video or article somewhere, I'd like to be able to thank the author and read/answer comments/questions. Thanks!

"There was a download spike yesterday and I failed to find out where it came from. Any idea? "

maybe here :

Yes! Thanks!

I recommend you to take a look at ArmorPaint, I has a great interface and user controls. Maybe you can get in touch with it's creator luboslenko on Twitter and make and something together, I think you can make a great collaboration

ConceptGraph which is made with Godot too, has nice Color Scheme going with the nodes (Color Codes for different types), maybe take a look at it?

Hmm Material Maker has a single color for all nodes, but that idea is interesting. And yeah, ConceptGraph looks like a very good Godot addon.

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